BREAKING (bad): Palo Alto, California – Sept. 18, 2013: the top tier domain registrar with an “A Rating” from the DG Registrar review, has acquired Sedo, the Germany based domain auction market and close ally of the TDNAM “$60 buck offers” marketplace.
Vic Dixon, Vice President of Stuff at announced the acquisition earlier today:
“Well, it was to be expected. After that sleazy registrar Daddio got their greedy paws on AfterSnack, we could not just sit and eat the big one, no sir! So we got our employees, relatives, friends, secret lovers and fans together, and we all pitched in and bought Sedo this fine morning!”
Vic Dixon hinted that the acquisition of Sedo by was completed, after wiring 1.5 trillion euro in cash to the National Bank of Cyprus; the transaction includes much-needed corporate perks, such as free Friday beer and pole dancing weekends.
The new domain marketplace will facilitate vast improvements to Sedo’s antiquated user interface – produced by German programmers in the 1980’s on a Commodore 64. will provide its well-qualified UI designers on an as-needed basis.
Disclaimer: is owned by eNom, that is owned by Demand Media, that is currently owned by themselves. Sedo declined to comment on this transaction, referencing company policies.
Congratulations to and Vic Dixon in particular, for making it all happen; quick “hey!” to all employees.
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