Bulc.Club wants you to join the good fight against viagra and louis vuitton spam

The new dot .Club gTLD has been promoted by uber-celebrity, 50 Cent, as the TLD of choice for night life entrepreneurs and club owners.

Breaking the mold in more than one way, is the Bulc Club, operating from Bulc.Club, obviously.

Not only do they forward BulcClub.com to the spiffy new brandable, but they have a great stylization to their brand; it’s how things should be done in the new Internet era of gTLDs.

So what is Bulc.Club all about?

According to their web site:

“When you enter your email address online, the chances are pretty great that it will be sold to solicitors. Bulc Club allows you to automatically create email addresses to forward filtered mail to your inbox, protecting your email address from the world. This also enables you to delete this forwarder once it has been sold so that advertisers are left with a “undeliverable” error and you’re left with a clean inbox.”



Here’s how this works:

“Bulc Club gives you access to our worldwide network of users which mark email addresses and domains as spammers. Each time an email is received, we filter out the spam before we forward it to you! With enough club members, we could rid the world of spam entirely.”

A very interesting spam-fighting system, indeed.

Check it out, at Bulc.Club, or if you are an old-school domainer that does not like gTLDs, go to BulcClub.com. It makes no difference.

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