I’ve had it. And damn it, I am not afraid to say it.
Once this weekend is over, finally we will feel like domainers again.
All this white noise around us: the vuvuzelas, the jabulanis, the strange makeup in the shape and color of national teams.
World Cup 2010 ends Sunday with the grand finale – the final soccer match between Holland and Spain.
Whoop dee do!
As far as American domainers go, we can’t wait for the sound to silence and finally we can go back to the usual stuff that make America great and its sports the best in the world.
Such as, football – the one played with the funny shaped ball and passed around with hands. Yeah, that’s the real football.
Once this weekend is over, I can’t wait for baseball, BBQ, country music and Busch beer cans chugged shotgun style. All them soccer pansies can go back to kicking ball in their back yards.
Copyright © 2024 DomainGang.com · All Rights Reserved.But seriously now, it was a fun World Cup to watch. More Americans participated in the festivities, since Team USA did exceptionally well. We fought like lions till the end.
And once the weekend is over, us domainers can drop those silly World Cup related squatted domains that we registered, while drunk.
Hear, hear! 😀 Football, soccer, whatever. It was fun to watch, except for the darn vuzuvelas…
Hhahaha… I currently live in south africa (grew up in the US though), I’m a domainer aswell… I think for the first time American’s can stop thinking that Africa is nothing but wild animals and people living in huts…. I swear that annoyed me so much….
yes we have football stadiums, sky scrapper, we are not a criminal infested country, its actual one of africa’s sexiest countries…. the food is world class and amazing!!!
The main reason why the vuvuzela has been such a hot topic, is because they are authentically South African… I got the chance to attend the argentina vs korea game at soccer city in johannesburg (88 000 people blowing the vuvuzela), and guess what the vuvuzela was not that loud, it actually created this amazing atmoshpere…. it was honestly the way fifa would compress the background sound when broadcasting….. that’s gave this draining sound!
it was a great experience…. my advice, come to SA, and see what I mean (practically ever hollywood celebrity that has visited South Africa has bought a holiday home here, its that amazing!!!
south africa rocks!!!!
Lebo – thanks for the great feedback. Congratulations to South Africa for organizing such a great event.