Americans, get ready for a European food smorgasbord at a minimal cost.
The European Union (EU) has announced a new set of top-level domain names (gTLDs) to rival the likes of .com, .net, and .org. The new domain names, set to roll out in the coming months, include some unexpected choices.
First on the list is .wurst, in honor of the beloved European sausage. Officials hope that the new domain will become a go-to for sausage-related businesses and websites in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.
Next up is .cheese, a nod to Europe’s rich cheese-making traditions. This domain is expected to be popular among cheese shops, cheese lovers, and anyone with a fondness for fromage. Greece insisted to get its own gTLD, dot .feta, to promote an ancient cheese of varying creaminess mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey. Remember: feta cannot be made with cow’s milk, only sheep and goats qualify.
But the real showstopper is .baguette, a crunchy domain name that is sure to have bread lovers around the world drooling. Baguette-related businesses, from bakeries to sandwich shops, are already lining up to secure their .baguette web address, as lengthy as the bread itself.

Dot .baguette, one of four new European gTLDs
While some may scoff at the idea of using food-themed domain names, the European Union is confident that the new gTLDs will be a hit.
“We’re all about celebrating European culture and cuisine,” said Paul Short, a spokesperson for the EU. “And what better way to do that than with domain names that reflect our love of wurst, cheese, and baguettes?”
So get ready, Europe – the future of domain names is looking deliciously good.
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