Same, but different: Sedo gets a redesign

Sedo has redesigned its homepage and content pages, giving them a much-needed “facelift.”

The new design is not responsive, and the homepage places emphasis on the new direction in the domain industry, that of gTLDs.


Below the masthead, domain listings are displayed, which refresh every few seconds – a nice touch.

Inner pages more or less contain the same information as before with the navigation on top being more discreet. The drop downs are larger and respond in a more fluid manner than before.

While not uber-modern, the redesign is a positive leap forward.

Good job, Sedo! 😀

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8 Responses to “Same, but different: Sedo gets a redesign”
  1. heather says:

    Yeah .. I think their new website upgrade is actually a great improvement.
    especially compared too the many other major sites that have gone under
    construction recently — only to become less unattractive and functional.
    Things seem to looking up for Sedo! Nice Job.


  2. Francois says:

    It’s now a site we do not recommend at

  3. DomainGang says:

    Francois – Why is that?

  4. Francois says:

    They do not support the domaining community.

  5. SpamAndScam says:

    Now if only they just accepting their friends .de for the great domains auction we might like them more

  6. SpamAndScam says:

    Whoops …. just STOP ONLY accepting their friends .de for the great domains auction we might like them more

  7. TW says:

    I think it looks nice. I’m just surprised it’s not responsive though.

  8. DomainGang says:

    Tia – As far as I know it’s done using the same CMS used before, so there are some limitations.

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