As we mentioned a few days ago, Netflix was met with an astounding amount of opposition to their 60% price hike.
Apparently, Netflix owned for about a year, and then they let it expire.
The Netflix price hike incident led someone to register
They’ve now updated their rudimentary page – hosted at GoDaddy – with a banner about how Netflix sucks.
Meanwhile, competing video rental company Blockbuster is currently trying to lure prospective new subscribers from the Netflix crowd, with a new offer and an obvious banner ad 😀
Seems like “Sucks” is getting popular and it will fetch high prices.
Do you have DomainGangSucks?
Oh..wait…chefpatrickSucks taken so is that freaking overblown CloudComputingSucks
Domaining sucks!!
Ha, great use of the GoDaddy Instant Page though (free w/ domain purpose). Bet someone at NetFlix is kicking themselves in the…shin.
Tom – they also made the page look like the Blockbuster logo 😀