#Domain “investors” in limbo as Kim Jong-un apparently still alive

Domain “investors” are circling Kim Jong-un like buzzards on a carcass.

Speculators preying on the North Korea ruler’s status have registered domains indicating that the chubby-faced dictator is dead.

Chinese media circulated news about Kim Jong-un’s disappearance after an allegedly botched heart operation. Sensationalist media such as TMZ grabbed onto the opportunity quickly, spreading rumors of his death.

Now, it seems that Donald Trump’s favorite Asian leader is in fact on vacation, trying to avoid catching the Coronavirus! 😀

Domainers are trying to make a quick buck flipping domain names such as the following new registrations:

  • KimJongUnIsDead.com
  • KimJongUnDead.com
  • KimJongUnDied.com
  • IsKimJongUnDead.com

Registering domain names referencing a celebrity or other public figure’s demise is common among newbie domainers, or the occasional speculator who has a lot of money to waste. These domains are basically worthless and have zero reselling value.

Kim Jong-un is not dead. Yet. Photo by Mathew MacQuarrie on Unsplash

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