#Domain “investors” in limbo as Kim Jong-un apparently still alive

Domain “investors” are circling Kim Jong-un like buzzards on a carcass. Speculators preying on the North Korea ruler’s status have registered domains indicating that the chubby-faced dictator is dead. Chinese media circulated news about Kim Jong-un’s disappearance after an allegedly botched heart operation. Sensationalist media such as TMZ grabbed onto the opportunity quickly, spreading rumors […]

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Suck it, .XXX haters

Is it Friday yet? Yesterday, we were notified that a handful of domainers are upset by the number of .XXX related headlines appearing on the Domaining.com RSS feed. Those silly wankers – for lack of better words – went as far as to suggest to Francois that he dropped our feed. While we sympathize with […]

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How NOT to begin a Domain Offer email

Not every domainer is a Rick Schwartz – there are plenty of domainers with much less intuition in the domain game. However, there’s a difference between being a rookie that uses common sense and resources available to you, and being a noob domainer that doesn’t care about education. Here’s an example of how NOT to […]

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