Domain Registrars: How fast do they answer their Tech Support phones?

If you’re old school like we are, you probably want to talk to a human on the phone instead of chit-chatting in a pop-up window. Domain registrars that value their services provide fast and efficient phone support.

Today, we took 9 US-based domain registrars to the ultimate phone test. 🙂

The testing process: after locating the phone number on their web site, we timed how long it takes for the call to enter their system, and how long to be answered by an actual representative.

For simplification purposes, we navigated through the obvious options of their system, choosing general customer support about domains. Once answered, every call was terminated – sorry guys!

Here are the results, in the order that we called.

GoDaddy – – Phone: 480.505.8877 – Grade C

It took 9 seconds for the call to be answered. We were informed of an increased volume of calls. The tech representative answered the call at 6 minutes and 9 seconds. We could have easily visited the bathroom while waiting for the call to be answered. During the entire wait we listened to some pretty awful jazz. GoDaddy needs to improve on that.

eNom – – Phone: 425.274.4500 – Grade A

After just 5 seconds the line engaged. There was no music to torment our wait, which was a surprisingly low 1 minute and 30 seconds from the very beginning. Hardly enough time to take a piss. Impressive.

Network Solutions – – Phone: 877.628.8686 – Grade B

After 13 seconds we got through. It took a total of 2 minutes and 22 seconds until we listened to a female technician’s voice with polished Indian overtones greeting us. That’s enough time to microwave a Hot Pocket sandwich. The waiting music was electro, easy to the ear. – – Phone: 888.734.4783 – Grade A

The line connected in 13 seconds. There was no music while we waited; there was a human on the other end of the line in a record-breaking 33 seconds. That’s hardly enough time to pop a cold one open and take a sip, which we did. Cheers, guys!

Dotster – – Phone 800.401.5250 – Grade B

In 7 seconds we were through. Took a total of 2 minutes and 58 seconds to get to a tech support person, all while listening to muzak. Plenty of time to prepare a fresh brew of coffee. – – Phone: 720.249.2374 – Grade A

After 7 seconds we made contact. Despite a warning by the recorded message that we might be waiting a long time and directed us to twitter, the call was answered in 45 seconds; hardly enough time to appreciate the bluegrass music motif. Very good.

Dynadot – – Phone: 866.262.3399 – Grade F

The call took a whopping 35 seconds to engage. Looks like some crafty rerouting took place, possibly to another continent. Or planet? We were greeted by a female speech-synthesis android, that kept reminding us about the wait we might experience. After exactly 6 minutes of electro music, we were told that we had to be disengaged. Dynadont.

Namecheap – – Phone: 404 not found – Grade F

After spending more than 5 minutes trying to locate the Namecheap phone number on their web site, we opened a chat session. Despite being told there are 17 other sessions ahead of us, in a minute we were greeted by ‘Nataly’, who might have been female, male or android. We will never know, as we were told that Namecheap has never had and probably will never have phone support.

Moniker – – Phone: 800.688.6311 – Grade E

In 7 seconds we were greeted by the automated phone system. Our first call was disconnected after 2 minutes and 22 seconds. Our second call was disconnected after 4 minutes and 52 seconds of waiting time. Our third and final attempt to speak to a Moniker representative did not materialize until a whopping 24 minutes and 2 seconds later, during which we prepared and consumed our lunch. Moniker plays music while you wait; by the end of the call we whistled happily to all four songs, including one by long-haired Greek heartthrob musician Yanni. For the latter, we give Moniker an “E” instead of an “F”.


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One Response to “Domain Registrars: How fast do they answer their Tech Support phones?”
  1. Dante says:

    I have found to be the best of all the registrars I have ever dealt with.

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