Domainers: 10 Emerging markets to invest in 2013

A lot of domain investors with inquiring minds are aware of the fact that 2013 approaches fast.

With the economy in a pivot point – some call it, the “fiscal cliff” – what are the top 10 emerging markets to invest in the new year?

We thought about making a list but as always, an image is worth a thousand words (plus interest) so here is an infographic.

Enjoy! 😀


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4 Responses to “Domainers: 10 Emerging markets to invest in 2013”
  1. BullS says:

    I wish the world will come to an end- human cleansing from pure corruption, greed and social injustice.

  2. DomainGang says:

    BullS – You can always set yourself on fire, if you feel so inclined.

  3. BullS says:

    DG- I am the purest human being on Earth and civilization needs my gene,-now I need to copulate and pro-create.

    The problem is I cannot find the perfect mate to carry my living gene.

  4. 1Domainaday says:

    I agree with all comments . I also sold some 2012 december 21 donains on ebay.I list 1 domain a day in ebay and always $.01 penny starting auction .
    If your are interested check my list
    Thank you

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