If you are a domain investor living in California, your domain WHOIS mileage might vary.
As far as DomainTools goes, that is.
The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) took effect on January 1, 2020 changing the field of what type of personal information is disclosed for Californians.
DomainTools masks the WHOIS information for such domains, adding a field that looks like this:
This is much like the GDPR that took effect in May 2018, effectively destroying the functionality of WHOIS tools.
But not all WHOIS tools are the same. Here’s what DomainTools displays for the domain Replied.com, owned by popular domain investor Braden Pollock:
And here’s what GWhois.org displays.
This is pretty neat, but I would never subject myself to those ridiculous taxes in California (which could be 60%+ or more of your total income, supposing you didn’t save and are in the highest tax bracket) for this extra level of privacy when Epik already provides a good enough layer. 😂😂😂