DomainGuardians pass first Safety Test with full honors

DomainGuardians passed a recent test with full honors.

DomainGuardians, the new service for domainers that actually believe they will die some day has passed its first crucial test, with flying colors.

Engineered to be the safety net for domain portfolio holders, in case something goes inexplicably wrong, the Domain Legacy service has been seen by many as a positive experience.

While it’s the kind of service that cannot be reviewed by those who actually received it – unless there is twitter in afterlife – there are many signs of its effectiveness.

For example: when all three primary managers travel at the same time, they are not to take the same plane; not because of any form of “Final Destination” fear but simply to ensure that the odds of all three getting involved in a plane crash become insignificant.

This way, at least one person responsible for managing the company will be able to carry on with its contracts and obligations. Simple, yet brilliant.

The company tested its own effectiveness recently, when Mike Robertson had an obligatory extraction of all four wisdom teeth. The hair-raising procedure, lasting several hours under anesthesia went by smoothly. During that time, there was no loss of assets of DomainGuardians’ customers.

“It was a crucial test”, said Mike, lisping slightly. “I was high as a kite afterwards. Despite the loss of four wisdom teeth I am relieved that business went on as usual. Had I not awaken from the anesthetic, my partners would have had to enforce my very own Domain Legacy contract, knock on wood.”

More tests will soon follow and we are absolutely positive that the results will please even the most demanding domainers.

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3 Responses to “DomainGuardians pass first Safety Test with full honors”
  1. BullS says:

    The real test is this Saturday , the End of the World .

    See those signs posted at NY subway.

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    BullS – The only NY subway I trust sells Italian meatball sandwiches.

  3. BullS says:

    I prefer Chinese meatballs- after eating your balls will go ga-ga.

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