A North Korean domain pioneer – reputedly, the only domain holder other than Kim Jong Un – was executed over the weekend, by being fed to a pack of starving dogs.
San Bong Ugh, who studied Cultural Communications at the university of Pyongyang, was praised by many North Koreans as the “dream and future” of North Korea’s Grand Path Against the Internet.
For the past 14 years, San Bong Ugh carried the official title of “Light Beacon for Communications Progress” of North Korea.
During the late years of Kim Jong Il’s reign, the number of domain names in North Korea flourished, expanding from just one to four, thanks to the hard work of San Bong Ugh.
The brutal death of San Bong Ugh, aged 43, was confirmed by independent news monitors, such as The Chinese Noodle Alert, The Pakistan Human Issues Gazette and India News Unlimited, that uniformly quoted:
“San Bong Ugh was sentenced to death for treason; his introduction of Korean citizens to owning .com domains, and other such ‘white noise’ from capitalist America, was deemed preposterous.”
It is the second time that a man has been publicly executed in this manner in North Korea, after dictator Kim Jong Un fed his own uncle to the same pack of dogs, that are now apparently addicted to human flesh.
An advisory against traveling to North Korea has been issued to all Americans, warning against potential risk of losing one’s life; Dennis Rodman will be traveling, regardless.
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