Welcome to another edition of DropCatch Quad; a quick and to the point analysis of domain auctions that closed on DropCatch today.
I’ve been following DropCatch auctions for a while, sharing via Twitter some interesting auction results that caught my eye. As much as I can, I follow them to the (bitter) end, not bidding but watching the outcome.
Most such auctions involve domains that inexplicably expired, then dropped, and were acquired by domain investors (primarily) via the DropCatch behemoth platform.
Today’s DropCatch Quad, without further ado:
MyBattle.com – Everyone faces their own battle in life. Registered in 2002, the domain was let go by Reg Ru(ssia). The auction closed with a swift battle at $2,129 dollars.
JeVeux.com – Je veaux means “I want” in French and it was a big hit for Zaz in France in 2010. The domain was registered in 2002 originally but OVH SAS dropped the ball. It sold for $496 dollars. Oolala.
MetaClub.net – Meta domains are very popular but a Chinese registrant dropped this domain, originally registered in 2021. DNSPod, Inc. was the losing registrar and the captured domain sold for only $262 dollars.
News24UA.com – A former news host about Ukraine, the domain dropped by UKRNAMES. Originally registered in 2012, this domain sold for $4,350 dollars. Fuck Russia!
And that’s all for today, see you soon.
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