Elliot Silver receives sign from Steve Jobs!

Domain investor and popular blogger, Elliot Silver, received a message from above last night.

“I was scrolling through my emails on my Blackberry, when I turned around to grab a juice from the fridge and next thing I know my ‘Berry was on the floor. The glass got smashed.” said Elliot.

But would that stop Elliot from getting back to business? Heck no!

“Today I went and bought myself a spanking new iPhone 4S. The seven year itch with Blackberry has ended!” said Elliot while tapping away to Rick Schwartz on his new iPhone.

Congratulations Elliot, that was definitely a sign from Steve Jobs! 😀

Elliot Silver has a new iPhone. Bye bye Blackberry!

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2 Responses to “Elliot Silver receives sign from Steve Jobs!”
  1. Anunt says:

    i love my iphone 4s…

    people…actual humans…can not understand my southern indian accent…but my iphone 4s siri has no problem understanding me…its amazing!!!

  2. Omar says:

    LOL this was a nice post I can definitely identify with it. I was a hardcore BB fan for years. I always liked the iPhone but thought I could not live without my BB. So when I finally got a 3GS I keep my Bold as well. Well that double cellphone carrying days din’t last for long.

    I carry a 4S now and is my workhorse from work to fun. I still like BB and hope they can make a decent comeback and don’t follow Palms fate. But for the forcible future I am sticking with my iPhone and I bet Elliot will too.

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