Big Sedo sale cost only $2,118 dollars to acquire

The domain name topped today’s weekly report of sales at Sedo. was sold for $275,000 dollars, one of two six figure sales shared by the popular domain aftermarket platform, So what is the back story of the domain name Registered in 2004, the domain was listed as an expired domain at […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. files for #trademark registration with the #USPTO, the boutique domain company operated by domain investor and entrepreneur, Elliot Silver, has applied for the registration of the matching mark EMBRACE.COM. Elliot’s company, Top Notch Domains LLC, is seeking to trademark the Embrace brand, consisting of EMBRACE.COM in block lettering with the E comprising a pair of interlocking mirror-reversed letters. In that sense, […]

Copyright © 2024 · All Rights Reserved. : Two #domainer owners later, #coffee company gets premium #domain name was the highest domain sale of the week at Sedo, with a $49,000 dollar price tag. Not bad for a caffeine loaded keyword, and the new owner is Spanish restaurant chain Grupo Cappuccino. Operating from the domain, the Palma de Mallorca group acquired as a redirect to its brand. It doesn’t seem […]

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#Domain USPS : Elliot’s PO box filled up after new contact method is revealed!

Elliot Silver’s post about how an enterprising domain investor contacted him via snail mail, is creating new traffic for the Top Notch Domains founder. Domain name pitching, a common practice for email communications, is now getting out of hand, according to Silver. “My PO box isn’t unlimited, unlike the web space I get from GoDaddy, […]

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Pass the #domain fruit : #Guava .com changes investor hands

Guava is a yummy tropical fruit, cultivated in many tropical and subtropical regions. The matching .com,, just changed hands. If you thought that was sold by a tropical fruit produce company to some advertising agency, you’d be quite far from the truth. The domain had been in the possession of domain investor, Elliot […]

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MERGE! 2017 : Interview with Elliot Silver in Orlando, FL, in absentia

MERGE! 2017 is wrapping up its 4th day today, and tomorrow is the final – yet short – day. The multi-discipline conference attracted domain investors, as well as professionals from other sectors. Elliot Silver is one such popular domain investor, who had scheduled to be at MERGE! 2017 in Orlando, Florida. Alas, he didn’t make […]

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Domain Investing : Rebranding to Elliot’s Blog

Domain Investing, the highly-respectable publication of domain investor, Elliot Silver, is finally rebranding. After years of using the same, established name, will change its name to expand its identity, and increase its appreciation by thousands of readers and fans worldwide. “Getting from a corporate name to a more personal domain, was my initial goal,” […]

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10 things we learned from a pair of DomainInvesting blog posts about .WS domains

A pair of recent posts about .WS domains and their investment-worthiness, generated dozens of user comments at The story started on Thursday, when domain investor, Braden Pollock, posted an op-ed article, titled “Why I Invested Six Figures in .WS Domain Names.” It’s almost certain that the lack of a poster’s identification in the title, […]

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GoDaddy : So where is Danica Patrick?

At the end of 2015, a long relationship between GoDaddy – the biggest domain registrar in the world – and Danica Patrick, ended. GoDaddy’s decision to not return to NASCAR was mandated by its focal shift towards international markets and small businesses. Many liked Danica Patrick’s personality and domain investor, Elliot Silver, got to keep […]

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Domainer Monday : I’m *CRANKY* and I’m not gonna take this anymore!!!

It was 6:45am when the phone rang. Still asleep, drool wet on my pillow from last night’s excessive drinking, I picked up the phone. Who is this, I muttered, squinting to see the number. “Hey Lucius, it’s Elliot, good morning! Rise and shine, sunshine!” At first, I thought it was a joke. Then I recognized […]

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Congratulations, Elliot and Karen!

The Silver domain empire is expanding. Happy parents Elliot Silver and wife Karen just announced the birth of a baby boy, thus doubling the amount of sleepless nights that they will sustain for the coming years 😀 The splendid news of the baby’s birth, somehow must have melted all the snow around Boston. It is […]

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Bahamas bound: Elliot celebrates birthday with ‘Silver Airways’ sponsorship!

It’s domain investor Elliot Silver’s birthday today, and the big news isn’t that Elliot finally turned 30 years old. “The big three-oh is an important milestone for all domain investors, but I have better news today,” said Elliot Silver, unveiling his sponsorship agreement with a major airline, Silver Airways. For the next 5 years, Elliot […]

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