Domain investors need to be extra vigilant with their domains.
Some of us juggle dozens of accounts across several domain registrars, auction houses, drop-catchers and the like.
Using a secure password for your various accounts – including email – is necessary in safe-keeping your assets.
Here is a list of the top worst passwords you should not use, if you are either a domain investor or just a domain flipper:
- 1234567890 (hackers can count too)
- mypassword (really?)
- RickSchwartz (if you are Rick Schwartz)
- domainer (a dumb one, apparently)
- namejet (for your namejet account)
- qwerty123 (a 3 year old can crack that one)
- 11111111 (get a keyboard with keys that don’t stick)
So how do you ensure your choice of a password is secure enough? Follow these rules:
- Never share the same password across accounts!
- Use a combination of alphanumeric and special characters, e.g. KU89&t7p8@
- Another method is to use a phrase: SomePeopleSayImAspaceCowBoy55
- Never answer security questions truly: e.g. Where do you live: Superman. Favorite color: Barack Obama.
- Change your passwords often.
You can also use a password management software – here’s a list of some that we haven’t tested.
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I like LastPass as a solution to generate, manage and share passwords.
(Note that the link gives me a free month if you sign up, but I do like the software and recommend it. You can even store the passwords on your own server.)
Frank – Thank you for your recommendation, based on personal use. That’s what counts! 😀