Epic MAGA: CollectTrumpCards.com launches Donald Trump’s NFT

Not a joke: Former US President, Donald Trump, has launched his official NFT via the web site CollectTrumpCards.com.

These aren’t physical collectibles; they are non-fungible tokens, each with Donald Trump depicted as a superhero or other digitally-created artwork.

The domain name was registered in July at Register.com and although content takes a long time to load due to expected traffic, it appears legit, unlike the case with MAGA.com.

Trump’s latest NFT stint provides “sweepstakes” thus creating more traction for those willing to keep on donating millions of dollars outside of a presidential campaign; the money goes straight to Donald Trump’s pocket, presumably.

Each NFT card by Donald Trump costs “only” $99 dollars – that’s good old American money, but BTC or other funny crypto is accepted, including credit cards. It’s going to be YUGE! 😀

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2 Responses to “Epic MAGA: CollectTrumpCards.com launches Donald Trump’s NFT”
  1. BullS says:

    i am gonna be rich
    do they have an affiliate program so I can put that affiliate link on my
    BullS site…

    yes,I smell money in my account.
    I am gonna be super rich

  2. Kayne Desantris says:

    Completly a massive disaster… NFT value not protected, easily copied, transactions doubled on my credit card!

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