ERT drama: Greek Radio and Television employees circumvent domain hijacking

Mr. GRandastic - Mascot of the Registry.

Mr. GRandastic – Mascot of the Registry.

Thank Zeus for the Registry! 😀

An ingenious move by sacked employees and European affiliates of the now dissolved Greek Radio and Television, is fighting back at the hijacking of a .GR domain by the Greek Government.

While all traffic for is being null-routed by ForthNet managers of the .GR ccTLD, on command by the Greek government, the ‘pirate‘ streaming of television and radio continues.

All thanks to the Registry, that provide third level domains under the direct participation to CentralNic.

The registration of both and domains is a smart, viable solution that places these domains outside the jurisdiction of the Greek government.

Both web sites provide the same audiovisual stream, so it does not matter which one you visit.

ERT is the former name of the Greek Radio & Television, and NERIT is the new proposed name of a restructured agency; the government, however, failed to secure the domain

There is pending litigation regarding the unconstitutional manner that the dissolution of ERT was exercised with.

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