Dot .AI is doing much better than .IO ever did

The recent report released by shows that sales of .AI domain names remain strong.

Despite a decrease in Q3/2023 to $1.3 million dollars, down from the Q2/2023 figure of $1.8 million dollars, the overall sentiment is that .AI domains are performing much better than .IO ever did.

We reached out to Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Matt Barrie, who returned some very valuable feedback, expanding on the metrics of the Domain Investment Index report for Q3/2023.

How does the current volume of .ai sales compare to that of .io at its peak?

Matt Barrie: We’ve taken a look at the data and it seems the current volume of .ai sales does eclipse the peak of .io domains back in 2021. The .ai sales graph doesn’t also include all of the AI-related domains we’ve seen, such as the eight figure sale of

Comparing from just a TLD perspective, this is a stronger boom as .io domains still remain relevant in 2023.

At peak time, did .io indicate that it would eventually lose its appeal among startups?

Matt Barrie: No, our data shows that these domains were still of interest to buyers in the early months of 2023. Sales of .io domains do seem to be trendy downwards when comparing it to 2022 figures and the peak in 2021.

Are the high .ai sales per quarter, this year, following trends, up or down, in major crypto such as BTC?

Matt Barrie: AI domain sales have been on an uptrend since the start of the year, essentially following the boom of AI tech. They aren’t following any trends present in the crypto space.

With the (real) AI tech taking off, how often are .ai domains acquired as pure mirrors of this trend, as opposed to other, less trendy TLDs?

Matt Barrie: We are seeing .ai domain transactions volume mirror the trends we’re seeing in the AI space. For example, we saw a big leap in .ai transactions during the months of September and October 2023 at the same time OpenAI introduced new features, such as speech and image input.

These domains are certainly trending right now and are at the highest volume we’ve ever seen before.

Many thanks Mr. Barrie for your valuable insight regarding the current performance of .AI domains through the lens of

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One Response to “ Dot .AI is doing much better than .IO ever did”
  1. J.R. says:

    Eventually, the AI companies will prefer the safety and brand strength of .

    Who knows what Anguilla lawmakers and regulators could do to over time?

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