Father Domainicus: Beware of the necrophiliac domainers!

Father Domainicus discusses the sins of necrophiliac domainers.

Father Domainicus discusses the sins of necrophiliac domainers.

Oh, how splendid it is to rest my aged posterior, sipping a fine 5-star Metaxa brandy, on this Sunday eve.

Greetings, my fellow brothers and sisters in domaining, this is Father Domainicus and I shall cover one sensitive subject tonight.

Many a moon ago, a great musician passed away – I do not recall the exact name, but he was from some satanic rock band of sorts.

In those early days of the transcontinental interconnection network, word of mouth spread through the chatrooms and sure enough, the inevitable happened.

Some poor, uneducated soul, went ahead and registered the deceased rock star’s full name as a .com, set up a page with photography depicting the glory days of the rocker and created a communications form. Soon, the commentary poured in, from numerous fans with an AOL account.

Eventually, the lawyers of the record label controlling the estate of the deceased musician, sued the uneducated squatter, who lost both the domain and a hefty amount of his own money.

These days, as soon as a death occurs in the global celebrity circus, their name gets squatted – as long as they were not proactive registering it themselves for $8.67 per annum, at GoDaddy.

The registrants of those domains, are referred to as necrophiliac domainers. They have no place in our Congregation, for the Domain Lord once said:

“Fear not death, for I am the salvation, the beginning and the end, and I shall carry you as a vessel through eternity.”

Those domain scavengers obviously don’t read Apocalyptica 3:12; by practicing this heinous act of registering the domains of deceased celebrities, they are committing a sin.

Very recently, one such necrophiliac domain squatter, registered the domain name ReevaSteenkamp.com – the poor woman whose life ended so unfairly in the hands of Oscar “Blade Gunner” Pistorius. The domain’s registrar, is obviously a candidate for excommunication from our Church, and I shall see to that when the next Pope is elected by the Ides of March, at the Vatican.

I shall now return to enjoying my glass of brandy, leaving you with my warmest wishes for a productive, fornication-free evening.

~Father Domainicus.

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