Five Questions for Chef Patrick – Newly Hired Cook for Oversee

What’s not to like about Chef Patrick?

The best thing about Patrick Ruddell, is his demeanor. It would take an army of people with Tourette’s to make the guy flinch. It usually takes one hot chick from his weekly videos at to make him visibly excited. His upcoming domainer cruise in October was met with cheers from the Socrates club of San Fransisco domainers.

But how will things be now that Chef Patrick is trading his chef moniker for Moniker’s mother company, Oversee?

We had the opportunity to ask Chef Patrick five questions.

Chef Patrick stayed up later than usual; yesterday was a crazy day with Rick Latona’s new daily auctions occupying the news. Chef Patrick managed to squeeze in, just in time for the domain bloggers to begin their eulogies of the Chefster.

Here we go – a DomainGang exclusive interview.

Chef Patrick is known for his spiffy suits and designer eyeglasses.

Chef Patrick, welcome to the DomainGang chat. Congratulations on your new position at Oversee as Chef Extraordinaire. What will be your role with Oversee at Ft. Lauderdale – what will you be doing *for* Oversee with regards to domains?

My direct responsibilities are to help acquire and sell domain names. I am also tasked to help with some sort of Social Media push and co-host the Domain Masters radio show.

Sounds fantastic, a job with a lot of day to day responsibilities to stick your cooking spoon into. But what about your entrepreneurial hat, will that still be your personal focus: Blogging about your sponsors, Video news with hot chicks from your home sofa, DNCruise and the Socrates club guys – will these continue at a secondary pace? will always be a major part of what I do, so that will continue to be a priority. The one change that will occur is my weekly videos will move from Friday to Saturday this summer. When my family and I move to Ft. Lauderdale my in-office time will increase which will make it difficult to shoot a video during business hours. As for the cruise, that’s my baby. I am pleased to say that Moniker/SnapNames has agreed to sponsor the event, support what I’m doing and plan on sending several employees. I will continue to push and promote the cruise and in fact, I have to record some more personal video invitations this weekend.

Outstanding. It will be extremely  rewarding to do all that and still come home after a hard day at work and continue with your personal obligations and fun functions. By taking this position at Oversee are you distancing yourself from TRAFFIC, DomainFest’s main competitor, their schedule and business goals?

Not at all. Although Moniker no longer handles the TRAFFIC auctions we still maintain a high visibility in the industry. As of right now I do have plans on attending TRAFFIC Vancouver in June.

You are truly a magician in public relations! Patrick, you know that I have to ask this question: Do you think Oversee has overcome the Hank Alvarez stain that became a scandal back in November?

I am answering this question strictly as Chef Patrick. Personally I do believe they have either overcome or are very close to overcoming that incident.

Very good. Domainers, after all, have a short memory but I appreciate your diplomatic answer. And finally – because you have to catch some much deserved sleep – please give us a few words about the future of domaining from your perspective, what is Chef Patrick’s vision for the domain industry?

Some random thoughts – The obvious shifts in PPC revenue have forced the domain community to diversify into development, affiliate marketing, lead generation and so forth. Innovation is key! For those that have been able to adapt and continue to adapt, things will be good. I see a day where domain names hold title and are closed like real property using title agencies. This may mean that domain brokers become licenses, just like Realtors. Our industry has a lot of room for growth and a very bright future.

Thank you Chef and best of luck with your move to Ft. Lauderdale and your new position with Oversee.

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4 Responses to “Five Questions for Chef Patrick – Newly Hired Cook for Oversee”
  1. Dan says:

    Great interview DomainGang..

    Congrats goes out to Oversee and Chef Patrick for putting together a awesome team!

  2. Nick says:

    Nice interview and a nice picture too. The Chef looks very pro!

  3. Victor says:

    keep up the great work!

  4. Chef Patrick says:

    Thank you guys!

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