Net trolls threaten the vine! France on dot .Wine and dot .Vin gTLDs at ICANN 50

In an article published in the French newspaper, Le Monde, the focus is the apparent Internet threat presented to French wine, as manifested in the new gTLDs, dot .Wine and dot .Vin.


Titled “Net trolls threaten the vine” the article raises the alarm to French consumers and apparent producers of wine – presented below, as translated automatically by Google:

“Cyber ​​threat to the French vineyards. This is not the title of the next polar summer. But one of a series that stirred the wine world for months. His epilogue is imminent. Episode after episode, from Beijing to Durban, from Buenos Aires to Singapore, the question is, nagging: “The protection of a designation of origin wines Will it dissolve in Internet? ”

The risk is real, vine growers, worried. At issue: the decision of ICANN, the organization responsible for assigning addresses and domain names to websites, to propose new extensions and “wine.” “Wine.”. An address as or could thus be sold to an entity unrelated with these wine territories. The risk of counterfeiting creates fear.

The last episode takes place in London, home to the 22 to 26 June the 50 th ICANN meeting. The tension is still rising a notch before the crucial summit. As the hope of blocking the unconditional grant extensions “. Wine” and “. Wine” has diminished. To the point that winemakers have called for a boycott these Internet addresses controversial and requested the blocking of disputed domain names.

Axelle Lemaire, Secretary of State Digital, demanded, in London, on Monday the suspension of the delegation “. Wine” and “. Wine”, balancing the participation of France in discussions on the future of Icann.”

Unfortunately, the full article requires one to sign in, and we had no more time to waste on reading silly concerns.

We popped the cork of a Greek wine instead. Yamas! And a hat tip to Kevin Murphy of

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