Hank Alvarez: I will donate my brain to Science

Hank Alvarez will be donating his brain to Science

Upon returning from his long sabbatical in the Himalayas, former SnapNames executive Hank Alvarez made a serious announcement at his web site, HankAlvarez.com

“My dear friends, I am glad to have put the past behind me. I am now a changed man. My meditation with Dalai Lama in the Himalayas brought new perspective to my life and I have shed the evil seeds that forced me to cheat, steal and lie.

As a changed man I am planning to donate my brain – upon my demise – to science. The doctors of the future will be able to determine the true elements of my personality. My family is important to me and they love me, that’s all that matters.

If you still hate me for being intelligent and wicked in my entrepreneurial skills, I can only ask you to please go to the Himalayas to discover your inner self.

I love you all, Hank.”

Apparently there is an increased demand currently for donations of brains; the much-awaited donation list includes such famous minds such as Theodore Kaczynski, Charles Manson and Bernie Madoff.

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2 Responses to “Hank Alvarez: I will donate my brain to Science”
  1. Jeff says:

    Is the donation tax deductible?

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Jeff – It’s a non-brainer, I believe 😀

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