How Chinese domain traffic works

There are 22 provinces in China and we got traffic from most of them.

DomainGang received more than 12 thousand visitors today, thanks to a Google snowflake.

Later tonight, we thought it was all over, when we noticed getting fresh traffic from China.

It turned out that CNBeta.coma Chinese geek pasteboard web site – had linked to our snowflake story as well.

Thank you Chinese people – here’s how Chinese traffic works 😀

A Chinese man arranged for a hooker to come to his room for the evening. Once in the room they undressed, climbed into bed, and went at it.

When finished, the Chinese man jumped up, ran over to the window, took a deep breath, dove under the bed, climbed out the other side, jumped back into bed with the hooker and commenced a repeat performance.

The hooker was impressed with the gusto of the second encounter. When finished, the Chinese man jumped up, ran over to the window, took a deep breath, dove under the bed, climbed out the other side, jumped back into bed with the hooker and started again!

The hooker was amazed at this sequence. During the fifth encounter, she decided to try it herself. When they were done she jumped up, went to the window and took a deep breath of fresh air, dove under the bed to find 4 other Chinese men.

Relax, it’s a joke 😀

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6 Responses to “How Chinese domain traffic works”
  1. Trico says:

    “When they were done she jumped up, went to the window and took a deep breath of fresh air, dove under the bed to find 4 other Chinese men.”


    So are you are saying that all Chinese look alike..

    …even to other Chinese?


  2. Lucius "Gunz" Fabrice says:

    Trico – No, I’m saying that Chinese traffic is unstoppable 😀

  3. BULLS says:

    I want to be the first!!!

    can you please provide some pictures how they do it…

  4. rathead says:

    i believe this post qualifies as a hate crime. you need to quickly move your domains to a registrar in
    czechoslovakia before they are seized by the u.s. government. ever since kwai chang caine autoasphyxiated himself jokes about chinamen are very touchy.

  5. BullS says:

    Looks like The SS agents must have used this tactic in Columbia !!

  6. Maksim says:

    I left my comment here in a hope that some Chinese traffic come to my blog 🙂

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