There’s no stopping HugeDomains, owners the largest privately held domain portfolio in the world.
The Colorado based company has cleared the 5 million domain mark, as seen by DomainTools that keeps track of registrar data:
“ is associated with ~5,197,184 domains”
HugeDomains’ numbers were at 4 million domains under management exactly a year ago and this type of growth is quite impressive!
HugeDomains operates domain dropcatching service, DropCatch, and the NameBright registrar. We’re estimating that more than 1.5 million domains are managed there by the company’s clients, that also operates – a domain name news aggregator.
HugeDomains is notorious for holding onto expired domains for years, some of which can be of the fringe variety.
One thing HugeDomains needs to do ASAP: Update the numbers on their web site, and maybe freshen up its eye candy models!

HugeDomains .com