John Berryhill files patent 3887711B/2009 for the creation of MiniSites

Prominent IP attorney, John Berryhill, sets the minisite paradigm with his own web site and applied for a patent about minisites

Prominent IP attorney, John Berryhill, sets the minisite paradigm with his own web site and applied for a patent about minisites

Washington, DC – The Firm, Inc.

Prominent intellectual property attorney and domainer advocate, John Berryhill, has filed a patent with the USPTO. This is not news, as John already owns several patents for mathematical formulas that determine the outcome of a UDRP, before it even goes to litigation. What sets this one apart, is that it’s about mini-site development. John explains:

“If you visit my web site at it is clear from its laconic design that it’s the ultimate minisite. You will not find anything of no essence there; there is no biographical information, no list of my numerous achievements and frankly, that’s the most obscure picture of me there. But isn’t that what minisites are about?”

John plans to establish the patent first via the legal channels, and then create a service of minisite development catering to lawyers. Studies have shown that websites of attorneys, lawyers and other such busy professionals are very much neglected; thus, John has secured a niche with great potential with the minisite or single-page paradigm.

“Imagine, single pages that mimic my style and unique appreciation of information delivery. Think for a second: why would you want to even hotlink the email address? Let visitors that are truly interested type it in their Outlook. I foresee a lot of potential to this methodology, after the patent gets approved.”, added John with a smile.

The potential is indeed tremendous; a variety of marbleized backgrounds in various colors, such as green, deep gray or rosy – to indicate the classic delivery of Law & Justice – along with the elegant presence of the Times New Roman serif font, will be available to select from. Combined with the option to have a color or a black and white picture with the solarization Photoshop effect applied, all such minisites will present the authority of their owners.

John insisted that the pending patent has nothing to do with the recent revamp of the web site; his sense of minimalism does not approve of web 2.0 standards.

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8 Responses to “John Berryhill files patent 3887711B/2009 for the creation of MiniSites”
  1. The patent application will be rejected by the USPTO as it was already awarded to

    He should have checked the existing patents and trademarks before filing one!

  2. Lucius "Guns" Fabrice says:

    Except, the only tm in the USPTO about “minisite” is the one at and it applies to “medical and surgical devices, namely, laparoscopic instruments and accessories therefor.” – clearly in a different class than minisite development for the web 😀 You can’t outsmart the genius of John!

  3. David says:

    Judging by the top quality and in-depth good content already on the web at John’s site (which is a good example of his minisite patent ideas) I feel John’s patent will be approved and he will becoma a big minisite developer soon.

  4. BullS says:

    MiniSites are aka BS websites!!

  5. John Berryhill says:

    I’m not sure what inspired this but when I run out of work to do, then I may update my site to provide all sorts of unbiased information about how wonderful I am. That said, I do tend to be old fashioned about attorney advertising, and find horn tooting to be unseemly.

    When you see a lawyer or firm spending money on something other than your matter, then you know what you are paying for.

  6. Patrick McDermott says:


    I just spoke to John about marketing his minisite service.

    Once the Patent is awarded a free minisite will be included
    with every UDRP defense John performs.

    Now that’s a great deal!

  7. This is some straight bullsh!t! Does anyone know how I can get in touch with this “John” fellow? It’s cease and desist time!

    Jon Dingleberryhill
    Minisite Developer

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