After founding and selling .CO Internet S.A.S. to Neustar for several million dollars, Juan Diego Calle is currently in dire straits.
Despite the huge success of dot .CO domain names, Juan Diego Calle’s personal story is heart-breaking; his LinkedIn profile clearly states “Unemployed“.
We ran across Juan Diego in a house for the poor and the homeless, in La Pequeña Habana, Miami, where he shares a dark, bug infested room with three female roommates from Cuba.
After encouraging Juan Diego to take a shower and have a shave on our dollar, he agreed to be photographed.
“I fell into depression as soon as I sold the company, being unemployed by choice is not something I managed well, as you can see,” said Juan Diego Calle.
“I still keep all my orange dot .CO shirts and underwear, I loved that place. I need to find a job soon or I will lose it!” added Calle, getting all teary.
Let’s hope some great domain start-up will hire Juan Diego Calle pretty soon!
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