Looks like Taylor Swift scooped up the domain Timeless.com

Pop music prodigy, Taylor Swift, might have deleted her social media accounts’ content two days ago, but it looks like she picked up a domain name.

Timeless.com appears to have been acquired via GoDaddy escrow, from BrandBucket, in mid July.

It was reported that Taylor Swift has an upcoming new single, “Timeless,” and the domain’s current landing page displays that name in swirly font.

The domain Timeless.com has been listed as sold in the past, for $150,000 dollars in 2015.

We’d have to assume that Taylor Swift paid a sizable chunk of money for this timeless domain name.

Many thanks to Nadia Pessoa for reporting this.

Update: Taylor Swift’s new album is called “Reputation”. We can assume that Timeless.com is not an acquisition made by the popular singer.

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5 Responses to “Looks like Taylor Swift scooped up the domain Timeless.com”
  1. James Iles says:

    I was told by someone close to Taylor that they didn’t acquire the name. We’ll hopefully soon find out for certain though 🙂

  2. DomainGang says:

    James – Hopefully they weren’t inappropriately close.

  3. @domains says:

    It could all be a coincidence, but then again the beginning and end of TimelesS are her initials.

  4. Dn Ebook says:

    My butler has all her records

  5. James Iles says:

    @DomainGang close enough without being inappropriate 😉

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