Marrakesh and ICANN52: No Ebola here, Singapore people!

ICANN52 in Singapore.

ICANN52 in Singapore.

Marrakesh in Morocco was scheduled to be the host of ICANN 52; the host city was moved to Singapore, under pressure for the Ebola outbreak in Africa.

But was that move by ICANN exaggerated or was it a valid precaution?

The organizers of the Marrakesh conference most likely lost large amounts of money from not hosting the event. The local economy would have benefited as well, what with more than 1,700 registrations for ICANN 52.

According to data from, there are no recorded cases of the Ebola virus outside of these African countries:

  1. Guinea 2988 cases
  2. Liberia 8745 cases
  3. Sierra Leone 10,792 cases

Singapore is hosting an ICANN conference for the 4th time, and while many complained about the long trip and the atrocious humidity, nobody will complain about the conference itself, or the wide spectrum of food available.

It is almost certain that the success of NamesCon 2015 chipped away from the number of attendees at ICANN52, which are considerably fewer this time.

ICANN52 lasts from February 8th to 12th, 2015.

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