: Domain had enough inquiries over the years, so back off!

The registrant of has had it; so many inquiries for this 1993 domain registration, that he set up a page telling everyone to back off.

“No, this domain name is not for sale.  We get this query several times each week, which is why we created this landing page.  We registered the domain in 1993, when you had probably never heard of the Internet, and have operated continuously using this domain name ever since.  In case you still do not understand, this domain is not abandoned!  We also have no interest in buying your domain name.”

Its owner seeks privacy and states that over the years, they forwarded emails meant for other companies that either contained “Martech” or sounded like “Martech”:

“MarTech, in one form or another, seems to be a popular domain name and we get lots of email that isn’t intended for us.  In the past we’ve been kind enough to reply to misaddressed emails, explaining the error to the sender.  After a sufficient number of really nasty responses, we no longer provide that service.  There is clearly no remedy for stupidity, and we delete several hundred misdirected emails every week.”

Currently, there are no less than 6 registered trademarks at the USPTO for MARTECH, but they are substantially newer than this domain, which has not changed hands since 1993.

The company itself was established in 1984, according to the web site.

In the past, MarTech’s owner even listed a bunch of companies that visitors to might be looking for.

The bottom line is, is not for sale, and apparently the same applies to and also owned by the same registrant.

This move reminded us of another great such move by the owner of – he shares publicly all attempts to acquire the domain, whether sizable or not.

Hat tip: Alan Dunn.

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