Monday fun with domains : Trump or Jesus?

This year’s presidential elections in the US have a lot of potential, as the dirtiest in history, as far as negative publicity goes.

The two candidates, Hillary Clinton for the Democrats and Donald Trump for the Republicans, are gearing up for an intense war in the digital media.

A new web site that attempts to show how much Trump’s demeanor and statements differ from the teaching of Jesus, has been launched.

Aptly named, “Trump Or Jesus,” the .com is used to play a quick game of “who said what.”

The pacifist, loving words of Jesus contradict the aggressive, divisive statements of Trump, whose book he brags to be a best-seller second only to …Bible. 😀

The visitor faces such questions as the one below:

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

Trump or Jesus said that?

Trump or Jesus said that?

If you thought Trump said that, you need to read the Bible more often.

For some quick Monday fun, visit

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