The seller of “суе” .com on eBay made it extremely difficult for domainer newbies to understand what they were bidding on.
As an IDN domain, суе.com resolves to a puny code equivalent,
Buried in an ocean of rambling about how domains are great investment opportunities, the fact that it’s an IDN three letter .com was indeed disclosed.
It took one careless bidder for the domain to be sold, for $910 dollars. To sell the real three letter domain, at that price, would take a time machine going back to the very early 2000’s.
That wasn’t the end of the story, however, as the buyer left negative feedback for the transaction.
Apparently, the seller realized they could not get away with selling a domain like this, and decided to undo the sale.
The buyer’s comment, that was left along with the negative feedback, was:
“Seller changed his mind after the auction ended. Lack of communication. Beware!”
Moral of the story: choosing IDN letters to masquerade a worthless domain into a valuable asset does not work.
Hat tip: Dale.
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