Iran is about to launch its own version of the Internet, an intranet that will be called ‘Iranet‘.
Confused yet?
This is not exactly news, as Iran is known for its acts of isolating its citizens from the outside world, restricting Internet access etc.
“God-willing, Iranet will prevail against the infidels of America,” said Ali Agha Mohammadi, minister of Technology and Government Propaganda in Tehran.
“The filth of ICANN and American created Internet will not be tolerated any longer, with Iranet the citizens of the great country of Iran will be able to be educated and free of satanic filth like Facebook, Twitter and eBay” he added.
The Iranet will initially comprise of 2 supercomputers and about 100 web sites that contain valuable information for all Iranians; such as how to properly wear the burka, and news about Iran’s peaceful program for plutonium enrichment.
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