Nutriforce France, operating from, has filed a UDRP against the domain name
Registered in 2002, the domain has been in the possession of domain investing company SyncPoint, operated by domain investor David Lahoti, since 2020. It was acquired at an expired auction at GoDaddy for $5,050 dollars, per NameBio.
It appears that Nutriforce France formed in 2023 (founder: Mathis Tondenier) and yet it’s seeking to take control of a domain that predates its formation date. This seems like another walk in the park for Mr. Lahoti who has prevailed in several similar UDRP filings, often with a RDNH outcome.
On a fun note, the UDRP refers to Mr. Lahoti as a “professional cybersquatter.”
While there are several registered trademarks from all over the world for “Nutriforce” the Complainant filed an application to register the “Nutriforce” mark on April 3, 2023 – registered on July 21, 2023. In that sense, they are not solely entitled to the mark’s use, as far as domain names are concerned. Furthermore, the word is a portmanteau of “nutrition” and “force” which is how numerous global brands are created.
As usual, David Lahoti is presenting the facts on the disputed domain at and anticipates that the decision’s outcome will involve a finding of “Reverse Domain Name Hijacking:”
“The complainant is a ‘Johnny come lately’ attempting a “Plan B” hijack after failing to acquire the domain.”
We will update this post once the WIPO makes a decision in this case.
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