The Playboy Mansion has been hit with a ton of negative publicity lately, thanks to the so-called “domainer flu” that made many domainers sick during Domainfest Santa Monica.
The favorite hangout of celebrities and wannabe’s alike, is bustling with silicone-enhanced Playboy bunnies on each and every gala.
During Domainfest, an outbreak of Legionnaire’s was allegedly spread by a special effects fog machine at the Playboy Mansion party.
Conventional media such as television and news channels seized on the opportunity to talk about Hugh Hefner’s lifestyle, paying little attention to poor domainers that got sick.
Regardless, it seems that the Playboy Mansion is about to strike back and strike gold with it – in terms of positive publicity, that is.
Teen idol Justin Bieber has officially requested – despite his young age – to visit the Playboy Mansion.
Say what?
Does this mean the Playboy Mansion area has now been secured and cleaned from any and all offensive germs, including the “domainer flu“?
Most likely, otherwise Hugh Hefner would not have acknowledged Justin Bieber’s request on television; Justin Bieber is now officially invited to the Playboy Mansion – as long as his dad comes along.
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lol your site is going to get enough hits with just that keyword “Justin Bieber”
Gnanes – You’ve got to check out 😀