While here in Florida we have been literally walking around in our beachwear, folks up north have been entertaining themselves by tossing boiled water out the back door to see it turn into instant snow.
More than 50% of the US has been under a polar vortex effect in what is still officially winter.
The intensity of this weather forced many professionals, including domain investors, to hunker down and play games such as Parcheesi, Jenga or hide the salami; many have been registering gTLD domain names instead.
“There’s nothing else to do here in Montana in this weather,” says Jonas Grubb, a rancher by day and professional domain investor during the remaining hour and a half.
“Most of my new domains are registered when snow passes 3ft and I am not bothered to run the snowblower every day, so I fire up my internet to register some gtld domains,” adds Grubb, who started domaining in 2012.
Bad weather conditions in the US have cumulatively led to the registrations of 148,000 gTLD domains by Donuts, Inc. so far.
Official results are posted every day, after 8:00pm EST – unless it snows here in Florida.
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