A lot of domain investors believe that shorter is better, when it comes to domain names.
But is this true?
Longer, descriptive or so-called “long tail” domains can assist with establishing SEO benefits for the terms.
In an odd move, PureSnax International, a food and healthy snacks company, has made the decision to change its primary domain name, going from PureSnax.com to PureSnaxWorldwide.com.
The company’s representative, Mr. Gosselin, stated:
“We felt that we needed a domain that is more representative of our long term goals and as we continue to build our company we intend to expand beyond our borders.”
Why would the company trade in the short, branded PureSnax.com for the longer PureSnaxWorldwide.com domain?
The decision would appear “ridiculous” or “absurd” to many domain investors. The company also owns PureSnaxInternational.com, along with other TLDs and ccTLDs with the “PureSnax” keyword.
Corporations seeking domain rebranding often opt to change their name and brand, sustaining a short term loss; long term, consumers seem to ignore those decisions, as long as the products or services retain their quality.
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Maybe PSW.com as a shorter name. Making it longer suggests the marketing director should be fired asap. Try and type that on your phone while walking through traffic. hahaha.
Steve – They have psnax.com and psnx.co but that’s not the point. A brand must be spelled out, and the brand is PureSnax. That, should not have changed.
agreed 100%
They are guilty of allowing the organizational imperative — feeling pride for going international or worldwide — override the customer imperative — what is easiest and best for the customer to reduce friction and hurdles in dealing with the organization. Their decision is to make themselves feel better about themselves, not to make life better for their customers. I see it all the time.