Everyone should listen to Ragazzo Greciano, an established domain analysis expert from Napoli, Italy, who just launched a single and two letter .com marketplace.
Operating from the web site SingleAndTwoLetterDomains.com, the progressive platform is the first of its kind.
According to Greciano, who is a former investor in LLLLL .com domains, the marketplace should appeal to end users that have at least $200 – $500 million dollars to spend:
“I found that money is good when is a lotta, and for company to spend on single letter domain, must have it, no? For two letter, ok, cheaper, maybe $2-$4 million dollar. I create marketplace easy to buy, PayPal, BTC and other token.”
Ragazzo Greciano made a fortune by investing in Super Mario domains, and in recent days, the term has acquired extra popularity thanks to President Donald Trump.
Greciano plans to give away 1% of the fee money to charity, benefiting the Vatican and the local churches of Sicily.
“In Napoli, Santa Rusulia is saint we love, we respect, sister in blood of Christ. For 1% fee donation to church, I pray for success of business, in every domainer. Come to my web site, list your single and two letter .com domain for sale, make money!”
For more information, click here.
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