Rams.com: #Domain drops on DAN before Thanksgiving Day

Rams.com, the domain about “rams,” the male sheep, is no longer displaying information about the horned split hoofed animal.

Adam Dicker’s precious domain is now up for sale on DAN, with an asking price of $500,000 dollars. That’s up from a recent listing on Afternic ($350,000 dollars) but below its all time high asking price of $1.8 million dollars.

Note: DAN.com is premium sponsor of DomainGang. This is not an ad.

Registered in 1995, Rams.com has been in the possession of the former owner of DNForum since 2014.

The Los Angeles Rams is a popular NFL team that does not own its matching single word domain; the team operates from the domain TheRams.com.

In the past, Adam Dicker told ESPN that he acquired Rams.com because of his love for the animal.

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2 Responses to “Rams.com: #Domain drops on DAN before Thanksgiving Day”
  1. amplify says:

    For the love of the animal. 🙄😂 If that were remotely true, the domain would be in better hands if donated to help the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge and the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge to bring focus to the conservation efforts of the animal. You know, kind of like Gay.com was donated to the LGBT community?

  2. BullS says:

    @amplify—–you read my mind, you are so correct.

    If he loves animals- go ahead and Sell the domain and donate ALL the money to” Save the Poo Bear foundation”

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