fetches $140k at the GoDaddy Auctions

The owner of the aged three letter domain scored a big sale today, as the single word LLL .com sold for $140,111 dollars.

The auction took place at GoDaddy Auctions. Registered in 2003, the domain has an actual meaning, that of king and a reference to a person that is wise, bold, and courageous. Rey is a gender-neutral name deriving from Spanish, Latin, and French origins.

The new registrant of will have to pay the six figure amount that he bid at the auction, within a reasonable amount of time.

As is the case with many three letter .com domains that were registered or acquired with investment in mind, wasn’t really used throughout its entire 20 year lifespan. It was operated by Liechtenstein-based Pantherdomains until at least 2008, when it presumably changed hands.

An interesting fact: existed in 1998 as the domain of the Rey Consulting Group, according to this capture.

Newport Beach, CA based Rey Consulting group, was a “solutions provider for leading database technology, enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain planning, sales force automation, data warehousing / decision support and electronic commerce / Internet applications.”

It’s not clear why dropped in 2003 but it was quickly re-registered, potentially during the times of the early morning release goldrush.

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One Response to “ fetches $140k at the GoDaddy Auctions”
  1. peter says:

    It is a good deal for the buy. If an end user buys it, the price can be much higher. Whoever bought the name knows the value of the domain name.

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