A pre-patent application filed by Rick Schwartz’s legal team recently, offers a glimpse of how the Domain King envisions the future of domaining.
In a world where the challenges of progress creep up daily, one man’s vision to educate the domainer masses has become a full technological crusade.
“Look folks, there is nothing that can stop progress, I keep telling everyone this. Some don’t believe me, others hate me, but Marcio Mello Chaves tried to stifle my vision and he became a poster boy for the Brazilian digital Inquisition,” said Rick Schwartz, energized after a relaxing weekend by the beach.
“After years of non-stop whining from domainers about the price of conference tickets, the choice of venue and other such details, I decided to both transport and educate the domainer masses – at the same time!” exclaimed Rick Schwartz.
Rick’s vision of a public transportation system, called the DotComLoop, is expected to be a revolutionary combination of education and mobility.
The DotComLoop transportation capsules will take domainers across the US at hypo-sonic speeds, providing a full range of educational video and audio along the way as the conference participants travel.
“We are shifting the domainer conference paradigm, no doubt,” said Rick Schwartz.
“Folks, you will go from TRAFFIC East to TRAFFIC West riding on our DotComLoop chambers, and be able to reach your destination with a PhD in Domaining, ready to conduct some serious business!” exclaimed Rick Schwartz.
The DotComLoop is modeled after various pulp fiction stories that Rick was able to peruse in his early youth; it is exciting to witness the effects of galloping imagination on reality, through the effective application of technology and secret formula concoctions.
Expect more exciting developments from Rick’s team of technology enthusiasts, now that the focus has been shifted away from the Joint Ventures project, which has been suspended due to a persistent bad economy.
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