The Saint Atanas monastery in Serbia.
Goran Gogović spent seven whole years in isolation from earthly possessions, carnal pleasures and the Internet.
The 29 year old Serb from Gduibostka Paresti was not in prison; after becoming a man of the cloth, he joined the Saint Atanas monastery in Vikyresti Plotz.
“For seven year, I have no idea domain world change,” says Goran Gogović, his skin looking quite pale after years of isolation behind tall walls at the Saint Atanas monastery.
“Domain have then, expire, and now new TLD are ready for launch, sound like hell!” exclaims Gogović.
Indeed, ICANN decision to roll out gTLDs – obscure words or acronyms with a dot prefixed – has taken the domain world by storm.
Goran Gogović will have much more to adjust to; in 2006, Facebook was virtually non-existent and there was no Twitter. There was no hope either, as Barack Obama was not president yet.
“Domain are more expensive now, and at monastery we knew not of Internet but prayed four time day,” says Goran Gogović. “With patience learn at monastery, I now plan work hard achieve success back in domain, although ICANN is pure evil!” adds Goran Gogović, emphatically.
It is not known how many former technocrats chose to lead a monastic life, leaving fortune and fame behind.
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