Sergei Putanov: Russian mafia controls .жжж

Sergei Putanov lashes out against the upcoming .xxx gTLD

In an unprecedented and quite ballsy statement, Russian domain billionaire and real estate mogul Sergei Putanov decided to shake down the prospect of the new .xxx TLD in Russia.

“Triple X control in Mother Russia by Mafia when live”, said Sergei Putanov to our correspondent in St. Petersburg, Russia.

“Domains .xxx are close to .жжж which is the symbol Russian White Bear Brotherhood. You try steal symbol, they break your leg”, said Sergei Putanov looking very serious.

Sergei Putanov’s controversial involvement in the dot .communism gTLD that is still pending ICANN approval, was recently overshadowed by his temporary arrest in June – in bed with two buxom Ukrainian prostitutes.

Sergei Putanov was quickly released from jail and exonerated. His lawyer is prominent Russian law expert and niece Valeria Putanova.

“So if registry .xxx want sell domain in Mother Russia, must first agree to pay fee to White Bear Brotherhood for lease .жжж or get violence in serious body injuries”, Sergei added.

Some domainers such as Frank Schilling have been stocking up on adult .xxx domains, while others believe that the triple x TLD will be a real success with hormone-laden teenagers.

Sergei Putanov’s statement was not endorsed by the White Bear Brotherhood.

Reporting from St. Petersburg, Russia ~ Nikolai Domienenko.

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One Response to “Sergei Putanov: Russian mafia controls .жжж”
  1. Savant says:

    I hear Russian domainers are eager to ‘break leg’ when no payments are made!!

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