Spamhaus generates and publishes a variety of lists, in an effort to fight back at malicious content and spam related to domain names, IP addresses and web sites.
A new list that was released by Spamhaus, updates the top 10 most abused domain TLDs.
Says Spamhaus:
“Top Level Domain (TLD) registries which allow registrars to sell high volumes of domains to professional spammers and malware operators in essence aid and abet the plague of abuse on the Internet. Some registrars and resellers knowingly sell high volumes of domains to these actors for profit, and many registries do not do enough to stop or limit this endless supply of domains. “
What is the method to determine how “bad” a TLD is?
Because TLDs vary in their domain volume, Spamhaus defines “badness” in TLDs using the following method:
“A TLD may be “bad” in two ways. On one side, the ratio of bad to good domains may be higher than average, indicating that the registry could do a better job of enforcing policies and shunning abusers. However, some TLDs with a high fraction of bad domains may be quite small, and their total number of bad domains could be relatively limited with respect to other, bigger TLDs. Their total “badness” to the Internet is limited by their small total size.
The other side is that some large TLDs may have a large number of bad domains as a result of the sheer size of their domain corpus.”
Using a logarithmic scale, Spamhaus attempts to calculate the equilibrium between the absolute number of bad domains in a given TLD, and the ratio to the total registrations under that particular TLD.
According to Spamhaus, the 10 most abused TLDs currently are:
- .download : Badness index = 7.96
- .top : Badness index = 6.89
- .tokyo : Badness index = 5.50
- work : Badness index = 4.88
- .gdn : Badness index = 4.51
- .click : Badness index = 3.80
- .science : Badness index = 3.39
- .accountant : Badness index =3.10
- .date : Badness index = 2.91
- .review : Badness index = 2.90
For the detailed article on the badness of TLD domains, click here.
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