Thirty years ago, to the day, the first .com domain name was being registered.
On a late Friday evening, no less, as if a bureaucrat had to clear out their tray of incoming tasks before heading home, was recorded as “taken”.
Millions of domain registrations later, it’s interesting to look back and reflect – those of us that were old enough to be able to retain memories.
So where were you on or around March 15, 1985, when the first .com domain name was registered?
We were wrapping up high school that year, and the movie “Back to the Future” had yet to be released; for a film that fused humor with futuristic predictions in an amalgam of nostalgia, they surely missed out predicting the entire domain industry!
Thirty years later, and despite a flood of hundreds of new gTLDs, dot .com appears to be stronger than ever, and hopefully will be here for years to come.
Happy 30th birthday,!

“Doc! There are no domain names in 2015! We have to go back to 1985 to fix this!”
Not even conceived yet.
David – Amazing