The popular CBS show, “The Good Wife“, is currently in its 5th season.
Tonight’s episode, titled “Whack-a-Mole“, was an interesting twist on the Boston Marathon bombing.
Covering the arrest of a professor and writer of “intellectual jihad” as the primary suspect for an act of domestic terrorism, the plot goes on to present the ramifications of free speech abuse.
The show introduces us to, a web site that parallels the use of Reddit during the Boston Marathon bombing, where Reddit users started discussion threads attempting to identify the bombers via the posting of images. Chaos ensued.
On Scabbit, as in real life, an innocent man is wrongfully accused and their reputation is tarnished.
Although CBS registered and owns since October, according to DomainTools, they missed on this opportunity to create a viral teaser web site that would mirror the popular show’s episode – there is nothing on, currently, as it does not resolve.
Let’s hope that the next major TV show that devises one such web site, will seize the opportunity to create a live web site as well.
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Just dumb and inexcusable.
Rick – So I wasn’t the only one that reached out to type “” as soon as it was mentioned in the show! 😀