The official TRAFFIC 2012 Rumor Mill

TRAFFIC 2012 has ended, long live TRAFFIC 2013! 😀

That being said, here is a list of rumors that (almost) made headlines, if it weren’t for some stern looks from TRAFFIC partner, Howard Neu if we published it in its entirety.

  • The sale of [removed], a large community for domainers. The buyer is [removed], a move that creates a virtual empire of communities. The sale was sealed via a handshake and the full amount of $[removed],000 will be paid in [removed] of 2012.
  • The engagement of [removed] to a non-domainer, something that is apparently less acceptable than someone from the Jewish faith marrying a Christian. Mazel tov!
  • The funding of Morgan Linton’s new company, Fashion Metric, by the famous [removed]. Let’s just say that we can’t wait until they go public!
  • The agreement between [removed] and [removed] to create a series of new, exciting visuals to be used for its landers.
  • The creation of a [removed] Florida domainer group. South Floridians aren’t the only one’s entitled to the hanging chad state.
  • The upcoming development of [removed].tv to showcase how a cheap investment can be turned into a profitable enterprise.
  • The existence of a video that could potentially ruin the careers of [removed] and [removed], both respectable IP attorneys. Greg McNair’s parties can get wild.

More exciting moments from TRAFFIC 2012 will be revealed tomorrow, stay tuned.

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5 Responses to “The official TRAFFIC 2012 Rumor Mill”
  1. Yury says:

    Did Fashion Metric really get funded? How much?

  2. RaTHeaD says:

    i like the way you think but [removed]

  3. Steven says:

    new domainer group – let me know if it’s north central Florida

  4. fizz says:

    Congrats Ac[removed] on the job to “create a series of new, exciting visuals…”. Looking forward to seeing them in action.

  5. Morgan says:

    Yes, we are funded however we are under strict confidentiality at the moment. Should the time come when we can announce the details you can bet that we will! 🙂

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