What are “domain sightings?”
We can best describe them as random encounters with domain names in the real world. When we come across domains dressing up vehicles or boats, plastered across business buildings or shops, or even products – that’s a domain “in the wild.”
For ease of reference, we group domain sightings in two main categories: dot .com domains, and everything else.
As we bid farewell to beautiful Athens, Greece, where the 37th Authentic Marathon Race took place yesterday, we came across a banner at the award-winning Athens airport.
The Greek Tourism Organization’s marketing campaign, “This Is Athens,” pokes fun at the stereotypes about Greece, where souvlaki is a popular, delicious fast food. But Greek food is so much more, and Athens offers lots of opportunities to experience Greek food, hospitality, and enjoy life.
The domain ThisIsAthens.org is a non com domain, and Greeks appreciate .ORG domain names as much as they love .GR domains. Who cares about the .com that’s been sitting unused for 18 years!
Visit ThisIsAthens.org for the official guide to Athens, Greece.
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