In only three weeks’ time, has reached an incredible 163,000 Alexa rating worldwide and 20,000 in the US – all without any advertising, trickery or link exchange. We reached this astounding ranking because of you, the readers, who visit daily to have a good laugh – sometimes, a great laugh – through the domaining stories that we publish.
So Thank You, you know who you are.
In the coming days we will be announcing several exciting promotions that will be taking us past the end of 2009 and into the new year – so stay tuned and make sure to recommend to your friends and your domainer grandma. 😀
Congrats! Amazing and fast success. Keep it going!
Thanks Bruce and congratulations on your new blog 🙂
Thank you for the laughs to start the day. You fill a big void in the domaining world.
Hope you are laughing all the way to the bank with DomainGangsta’s revenue?
LOL, I forgot I had a blog, thanks for reminding me:)
“sometimes, a great laugh”
I must have missed that blog post.
Which one was it?